Minikiwi Farm – The Berries that I wish

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Kiwish receitas

Figs with cheese and honey

Kiwi Chef: Luisa Catarina

doses kiwish


4 Persons

15 Minutes

receitas kiwish

Preparation time

Torta de baby kiwish

Difficulty level


4 Figs

Goat cheese



Sesame (sesame seeds)


1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the figs into a cross shape (not whole, up to 2/3 of the fig).

2. Place half of the sliced goat's cheese on top. Add a drizzle of honey and sprinkle with rosemary.

3. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

4. Bake for 5 minutes at 200°C.

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